
How refugees benefit their host countries’ economies

Right now, there are almost 69 million refugees across the globe. By World Refugee Day last year, the number of forcibly displaced people had reached a record high for a fifth year in a row with a total of 68.5 million people displaced globally. The U.N. refugee agency, estimates that more than 44,000 people are displaced every day due to violence, conflict, natural disaster and persecution. All o...[Read More]

Maximpact Expands Online English and Employment Classes to Support Syrian Refugees

BELFAST, Northern Ireland, May 10, 2020 –  Maximpact extends its innovative English for refugees online programmes which help Syrian refugees in Northern Ireland learn English to prepare themselves for social and employment integration in their new homeland. Northern Ireland went into lockdown on March 23 to keep the coronavirus from spreading during this ongoing global pandemic. Syrian refugees t...[Read More]

Tax Havens Enable Illegal Logging, Fishing

George Town, the capital of the Cayman Islands, is known as a financial hub and a port of call for cruise ships. Dec. 7, 2017 (Photo by Jorge Brazilian) Creative Commons license via Flickr By Sunny Lewis STOCKHOLM, Sweden, August 21, 2018 ( News) – Tax havens such as Singapore, Panama and the Cayman Islands provide financial secrecy for industries associated with environmentally destr...[Read More]

Reduce energy consumption to increase profit margins

When it comes to success, the bottom line for any business is, of course, its bottom line. Increasing profits over time is the primary goal for any organisation that hopes to stay afloat, and net margin is a critical metric for success. The higher the net margin, the better the company’s fiscal health and competitive advantage. There are two ways to improve net margin: bolstering sales, and decrea...[Read More]

The Cancer Risk of Carbon Capture

The International Energy Agency hosted a CCS meeting in June: From left: Jim Carr, Minister of Energy, Canada; Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology, China; Dr. Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency; Rick Perry, Secretary of Energy, USA; Terje Søviknes, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Norway (Photo courtesy IEA) Posted for media use. By Sunny Lewis OSLO, Norway, Aug...[Read More]


Sanitation may not be the most glamorous part of the social benefit sector but it’s potentially big business: Current estimates value the market for products and services at $80 billion over ten years. With this incentive, businesses are starting to take up the sanitation challenge. Several of the most promising innovators are listed on Maximpact today. AZADI Azadi manufactures biodegradable sanit...[Read More]

Another new definition for social investing—and why we should pay attention to this one

By Marta Maretich @maximpactdotcom Definitions—we are so over them in the social investing sector. I mean, we wrangled over those darn meanings for years: ethical investing, responsible investing, socially responsible investing, triple- and double-bottom-line investing, green investing, sustainable investing and finally—boom!—impact investing. We split hairs, we waved banners, we made colorful inf...[Read More]

Waste: Source of Wealth and Conflict

By Sunny Lewis JAKARTA, Indonesia, October 29, 2019 ( News) – In what environmentalists have labeled a “global waste shell game,” Indonesian officials have been caught approving re-exports of illegal U.S. waste shipments to other Asian countries instead of returning them to the United States as promised. Instead of being returned to their senders, the waste containers have been divert...[Read More]

Desperate Migrants Snatched Into Human Trafficking, Slavery

Women held in cages by human traffickers, identities withheld. (Photo courtesy Voices for Dignity) Posted for media use. By Sunny Lewis GENEVA, Switzerland, July 30, 2019 ( News) – “I was sold, exploited. My former recruiter contacted me to help her recruit new girls. I refused! I have been through hell and I do not wish it to anyone,” says Tate, a trafficking victim in Mauritania. Mi...[Read More]

Hotter, Drier UK Launches ‘Love Water’ Campaign

The climate emergency has been building for years. This hot sunset was photographed June 20, 2017 in Dorset, England at the end of the hottest day of the year to date, when temperatures reached over 31 degrees Celsius (88 degrees F), making it one of England’s hottest-ever June days. (Photo by Jack Pease Photography) Creative commons license via Flickr. By Sunny Lewis LONDON, UK, August 13, 2019 (...[Read More]

A Closer Look At The Scale of River Pollution in Brazil

Source: The Indian Express, Man walking on garbage filled river in Brazil Sustainability News | 14 July 2022 Brazil is home to some of the most extensive and complex river systems in the world and has eight large drainage basins which drain directly into the Atlantic Ocean. The Amazon river acts as the main source of drainage for the country of Brazil, and is the most extensive river...[Read More]

EU Helps Turkey Shelter Four Million Refugees

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with a refugee family, a few of the four million refugees Turkey is now sheltering. 2018 (Photo courtesy Government of Turkey) Posted for media use By Sunny Lewis ANKARA, Turkey, January 10, 2019 ( News) – Eyad and his family fled their home in Syria’s Aleppo countryside in February 2017, during the Bashar al Assad regime’s recapture of the city....[Read More]

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