
PEER Pressure Protects U.S. Govt. Employees

By Sunny Lewis WASHINGTON, DC, June 20, 2016 ( News) – Violent assaults against U.S. forest and rangeland employees and facilities rose sharply last year, according to figures just released by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), a nonprofit organization serving the interests of government employees in natural resources agencies. Reported incidents increased by 87...[Read More]

Women Rule: Why the Future of Social, Sustainable and Impact Investing is in Female Hands

By Marta Maretich @maximpactdotcom – In the early days of the social investing movement, women and girls were arguably seen more as program beneficiaries than financial movers and shakers. Social lenders changed their view when they realized that focusing initiatives like microfinance lending on women turned out to be the most effective way to make whole communities more prosperous. ...[Read More]

Common Framework Helps Europeans Trim Food Waste

Wasted fruits and vegetables, October 28, 2012 (Photo by Carl Campbell) Creative Commons license via Flickr. By Sunny Lewis BRUSSELS, Belgium, May 9, 2019 ( News) – Every year about 20 percent of the food produced in the European Union is lost or wasted, while 43 million EU residents cannot afford a quality meal every second day. Now, based on a new methodology, EU Member States will ...[Read More]

Climate Fund ‘Transforms Economies From Brown to Green’

Workers who helped install Mongolia’s largest solar energy farm in the Sumber Soum area of the country’s Govisümber province with a few of the solar panels they put in place. The solar facility began generating power on January 28, 2019. (Photo courtesy Green Climate Fund) Posted for media use. By Sunny Lewis SONGDO, Incheon, South Korea, January 31, 2019 ( News) – An emerging “super ...[Read More]

Why private equity, investment funds, VCs and other types of investors need sector experts

MAXIMPACT BLOG November 20, 2016 Venture capitalists, private equity, angel investors and other financial firms play a huge role in economic growth. They stand as support to invention and innovation, fueling ventures with financial and operational support. To stay ahead of the game and earn attractive returns VC’s, angel investors and private equity continuously look for: New investm...[Read More]

UN, 28 Banks Draft Global Impact Standards

Barclays Bank Fulwell Branch, Seaburn, Sunderland, England, August 4, 2009, Photo by Peter Richmond) By Sunny Lewis PARIS, France, November 29, 2018, ( News ) – “The global banking industry is stepping up to the sustainability challenge,” said Satya Tripathi of India, UN assistant secretary-general, UN Environment. “I’m optimistic we’ll see a realignment of business practice – one tha...[Read More]

The Wisdom of Sustainable Procurement

The French company Rougier Sylvaco Panneaux imports and markets a wide range of lumber, plywood and products for multiple uses: building, interior and exterior, carpentry, industry and transport. Engaged in an eco-responsible approach, the company says that more than half of its offerings are certified as sustainable. (Photo courtesy Rougier) By Sunny Lewis PARIS, France, March 7, 2017 (Maximpact....[Read More]

Businesses Vow Action at Paris Climate Talks

PARIS, France, December 10, 2015 (ENS) – Corporate actions on key climate issues such as carbon pricing, finance, responsible policy engagement and science-based emissions targets were announced on the 8th December at the Caring for Climate Business Forum, the official avenue for business at COP21 in Paris. COP21 is shorthand for the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on...[Read More]

What Rubbish! Europe’s New Waste Rules

Tagged wheelie bins in London, England, July 16, 2017. (Photo by Tee Cee) Creative Commons license via Flickr By Sunny Lewis STRASBOURG, France, May 1, 2018 ( News) – The European Parliament has formally approved higher recycling targets and new measures to reduce waste across Europe. Environment ministers from all 28 EU countries are expected to approve the agreement in the coming we...[Read More]

Empowering Cities With the New Urban Agenda

Johannesburg, South Africa, July 26, 2015 (Photo by Paul Saad) Creative Comons license via Flickr By Sunny Lewis NEW YORK, New York, September 14, 2017 ( News) – Regions, cities, towns, localities – this is where people live and as local people they want their voices heard not only locally, but nationally and around the world. Now, they are making new strides towards recognition and p...[Read More]

Where Tourists Step Lightly, Biodiversity Flourishes

Rainbow lorikeets in Queensland, Australia, June 2013 (Photo by Dave Curtis) Creative Commons license via Flick By Sunny Lewis MONTREAL, Quebec, Canada, May 23, 2017 ( News) – “We share our planet with millions of species of wild animals and plants. They keep us alive through making fresh air, clean water and healthy soils; they are used every day to make medicine, food and furniture ...[Read More]

How to find impact investing deals (or develop the deals you’ve already got)

The impact and sustainable investing market is crowded these days with big business, social entrepreneurs, private investors and governments all getting into the act. Yet recent research indicates that serious investors are still finding deal-sourcing a challenge. At the same time, intermediaries and entrepreneurs are still struggling to develop deals and find the right partners and collaborators ...[Read More]

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