
Catalytic Capital Consortium Meets SDG Funding Gap

Community-based fire prevention and peatland restoration group in Bukit Kapur, Riau, Indonesia, September 19, 2018 (Photo by Pandam Prasetyo / Center for International Forestry Research) Creative Commons license. By Sunny Lewis CHICAGO, Illinois, March 12, 2019 ( News) – The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation today launched the Catalytic Capital Consortium, allocating US$15...[Read More]

What Should Your Grant Proposal Include?

Grant proposals can play a huge role for certain NGOs. Therefore it’s important to know the correct format, and how to maximize your grant writing to capitalize on every opportunity for funding. Here we’ll take a look at some of the good practices you can implement straight away. Understand the requirement This may sound obvious, but it can be easy to get into a routine of writing grants in a part...[Read More]

Green Grow the Climate Awareness Bonds

By Sunny Lewis LUXEMBOURG, October 29, 2015 (Maximpact News) – The European Investment Bank is the first issuer to link its individual green bonds to the projects they finance for the sake of transparency and accountability ahead of the Paris climate talks. As the planet warms, growing cities and developing countries need airports, roads, buildings, water systems and energy generation that can wit...[Read More]

Women Everywhere Seek Equality, Balance

Health workers put their gloves on before checking Ebola patients at the hospital in Beni, Democratic Republic of Congo, January 16, 2019 (Photo by Vincent Tremeau courtesy World Bank) Creative Commons license via Flickr. By Sunny Lewis NEW YORK, New York, March 7, 2019 ( News) – International Women’s Day (IWD) has two themes this year. The theme “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate fo...[Read More]

High-Powered California Governor Leads on Climate

California Governor Jerry Brown, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne (left) and Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard (center) sign agreement to expand cap-and-trade partnership, September 22, 2017. (Photo by Sonia Cacoilo, Office of the Premier of Ontario.) Public domain. By Sunny Lewis SACRAMENTO, California, September 28, 2017 ( News) – As President Donald Trump has abdicated his leadership...[Read More]

How hospitals can reduce their energy bills

Unlike other commercial and industrial buildings, hospitals operate 24 hours a day seven days a week, which means they can use up to 2.5 times more energy than a commercial building of the same size. Hospitals also have unique energy requirements as they often have to follow lighting, air circulation and heating codes in order to ensure the health and safety of patients and staff. A large portion ...[Read More]

Efficient Solar Still Makes Seawater Drinkable

The passive solar-powered device developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is essentially a multilayer solar still, with a set of evaporating and condensing components like those used to distill liquor. Tests on an MIT rooftop showed that it could produce clean, drinkable water at a record rate. 2019. (Photo courtesy MIT) Posted for media use By Sunny Lewis for Maximpact CAMBRIDGE, Ma...[Read More]

From Net Zero to Net Positive in Water and Energy Sectors: The Time is Now

By Ana LaRue, Digital Media Manager, Maximpact The brightest minds in the energy and water sector gathered in San Francisco this past Tuesday and Wednesday for the Net Positive Energy + Water Conference, hosted by the International Living Future Institute. At the center of discussion was application of net zero concepts to create productive, thriving communities by focusing on net zero energy and ...[Read More]

Urban Water Crisis Grips Global South

Washing and drinking without piped water on the streets of Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 15, 2013 (Photo by David Brewer) Creative Commons license via Flickr. By Sunny Lewis for Maximpact MANCHESTER, UK, February 20, 2020 ( News) – Roughly half of all households in 15 large cities in the global south lack access to piped utility water, affecting more than 50 million people, finds a repo...[Read More]

Shipbreaking Moves Off the Beach

SEATTLE, Washington, October 14, 2015 (Maximpact News) – A protest by the environmental justice organization Basel Action Network (BAN) over an obsolete ship owned by Matson, Inc. being sent to a shipbreaker in India, prompted the shipping company to stop scrapping its vessels on the beaches of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. “Because of concerns with recycling practices in South Asia, Matson has ...[Read More]

10 New Energy Pioneers Driving Our Future

Löfbergs coffee roasting house in Karlstad, Sweden is home to the world’s first large-scale testing facility with SaltX salt-technology solar panels for heating and cooling on the roof of the roasting house. (Photo courtesy SaltX) Posted for media use By Sunny Lewis NEW YORK, New York, April 17, 2018 ( News) – The top 10 innovators revolutionizing the energy, transport, and technology...[Read More]

Global Climate Consensus Forged in Paris

By Sunny Lewis PARIS, France, December 15, 2015 (Maximpact News) – “The Paris Agreement on climate change is a monumental triumph for people and planet,” declared UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as delegates from 195 countries approved the world’s first universal pact to take common climate action. “We have solid results on all key points,” said Ban. “The agreement demonstrates solidarity. It is ...[Read More]

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