
Making the Most of Women Professionals in Impact Investing

7 Steps Toward Strengthening Female Leadership and Career Development Across the Sector by Marta Maretich Women are breaking ground in the field of impact investing. The prominence of female leaders such as Jacqueline Novgoratz, Hazel Henderson and Judith Rodin suggests that the field of impact investing will be more gender-balanced than was the case with traditional, male-dominated finance. A rec...[Read More]

India’s Forest Dwellers Evicted in Name of Conservation

Saurus cranes glide through a forest in the Indian state of Gujarat. July 21, 2018 (Photo by Santanu Sen) Creative Commons license via Flickr DELHI, India, April 16, 2019 ( News) – India’s Supreme Court has ordered the eviction of up to eight million tribal and other forest-dwelling people in what campaigners have described as “an unprecedented disaster,” and “the biggest mass evictio...[Read More]

Fossil Fuels: To Invest or Divest – That Is the Question

By Sunny Lewis WASHINGTON, DC, January 21, 2016 (ENS) – The year 2015 was Earth’s hottest by widest margin on record, and in December 2015 the temperature was the highest for any month in the 136-year record, according to scientists with the U.S. space agency, NASA, and the U.S. oceanic and atmospheric agency NOAA. Those who blame the burning of coal, oil and gas for this unprecedented warming are...[Read More]

Trending Discovery Clears CO2, Creates Energy

At the University of Central Florida, Professor Fernando Uribe-Romo’s blue LED photoreactor breaks down CO2. (Photo by Bernard Wilchusky / UCF) Posted for media use ORLANDO, Florida, January 9, 2018 ( News) – The work of a chemistry professor in Florida who discovered a way to turn greenhouse gas into clean air and produce energy at the same time has attracted the most attention of al...[Read More]

SOCAP15: Bigger Than Ever & Leading the Conversation About Money and Meaning

Tomorrow sees the start of, SOCAP, the leading conference on social enterprise and impact investing, where an expected 2,500 attendees will be part of the biggest SOCAP yet, taking place October 6-9 at Fort Mason Center, San Francisco, CA. SOCAP15 will feature more than 140 sessions for learning, connecting, and meeting peers and potential partners, as well as uniting global innovators in business...[Read More]

For Forest Conservation ‘The Presence of Women Matters’

Three women and nine men at a workshop on forest tenure reform in Osi island, West Seram regency, Maluku province, Indonesia, August 24, 2017 (Photo by Ulet Ifansasti / Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Creative Commons license via Flickr. By Sunny Lewis BOULDER, Colorado, April 9, 2019 ( News) – When more women participate in group decisions about land management, es...[Read More]

How do NGOs change people’s lives? Read Joyce Mary’s heartening story

By Eithne McNulty Overseas, Officer for War On Want Northern Ireland Northern Ireland, December 27, 2017 (WOWNI) War On Want Northern Ireland (WOWNI) is a small, independent International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) based in Belfast Northern Ireland. WOWNI implements programmes in Uganda and Malawi focusing on supporting local groups of farmers to reduce poverty and promote equitable and ...[Read More]

‘Silent Voices’ of Water Heard in Stockholm

The City of Stockholm is situated on 14 islands and on the banks of the archipelago where Lake Mälaren meets the Baltic Sea. August 28, 2018 (Photo by Hans Permana) Creative Commons license via Flickr By Sunny Lewis STOCKHOLM, Sweden, August 27, 2019 ( News) – Humanity can tackle today’s major challenges only if access to water is more fairly distributed. When World Water Week, the le...[Read More]

EU Companies Must Meet Year-End Energy Audit Deadline

Caption: Thermal image of heat in the Balzac Fresh Food Distribution Center, Canada, taken with a scanner made in Sweden. Scanning technology identifies areas where energy can be lost to the environment so companies can improve the insulation performance of buildings with door seals, dock plates and air curtains. November 10, 2010 (Photo courtesy Walmart) Creative commons license via Flickr By Sun...[Read More]

Tropical Forests Thrive on Radical Transparency

The Ulu Masen forest ecosystem in the northern part of Indonesia’s Aceh province forms part of the largest single forested area in Southeast Asia. (Photo by Abbie Trayler-Smith / DFID) Creative Commons license via Flickr By Sunny Lewis STOCKHOLM, Sweden, February 15, 2017 ( News) – Commodity production drives two-thirds of tropical deforestation worldwide, asserts Trase, a new online ...[Read More]


Greenpop is a social enterprise that combats deforestation by organizing community-based tree planting projects, green action events, educational workshops, social media campaigns and green voluntourism. Based on the idea that sustainability can be fun and empowering for communities, Greenpop started in September 2010 and has since planted over 17,000 trees in over 200 beneficiary schools, crèches...[Read More]

Displaced But Not Contagious

The UN World Food Program ensures Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, some 800,000 people, get food every month, with funding from USAID. July 16, 2018 (Photo courtesy USAID) Public domain. By Sunny Lewis COPENHAGEN, Denmark, February 5, 2019 ( News) – Migrants and refugees are likely to have good general health, but they can be at risk of falling sick in transition or while staying in r...[Read More]

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