
Experts Advice and Consulting Network – Maximpact

Tens of thousands of promising projects and ventures are being developed around the world, but too many fail for one reason — the services they need to get to that next step cannot be found or are out of reach. Finding the right people to support your project is time-consuming. Identifying the right expertise, selecting quotes and arranging contracts can involve costly trial and error. What if you...[Read More]

Grappling With an Avalanche of Waste

Electronic waste viewed by a delegation from Zimbabwe that visited the Rwanda Green Fund – FONERWA – to learn about the fund’s structure and operations. They toured some of the fund’s investments: low carbon construction materials with Zero Carbon Designs and the E-Waste Recycling Facility. June 14, 2018 (Photo by Rwanda Green Fund) Creative Commons license via Flickr. By Sunny Lewis GENEVA, Switz...[Read More]

A Balancing Act: Climate Change Control Without Water Stress

Bioenergy crops at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research Station in Mills River, North Carolina, Dwayne Tate, Research Specialist (Photo courtesy NC State Extension, North Carolina State University) Posted for media use POTSDAM, Germany, March 10, 2021 ( News) – Earth’s ecosystem is under great environmental pressures – climate change, water shortages, ecosystem degradation – whil...[Read More]

E-Waste Piles Proliferate in Asia

Creative reuse of Used PCBs, Agbogbloshie , February 28, 2014 (Photo by Fairphone) Creative Commons license via Flickr By Sunny Lewis TOKYO, Japan, January 26, 2017 ( News) – The volume of discarded electronics in East Asia and Southeast Asia rose nearly two-thirds between 2010 and 2015, and e-waste generation is growing fast both in total volume and per person measures, new United Na...[Read More]

Supermarkets Purge Plastic With Shoppers' Help

Plastic Free Zone at Thornton’s Budgens showcases organic vegetables, 2018 (Photo courtesy Thornton’s Budgens) Emailed for media use. LONDON, UK, November 8, 2018 ( News) – A London supermarket today became one of the world’s first to introduce dedicated Plastic Free Zones. The Thornton’s Budgens store in Camden’s Belsize Park has assembled more than 1,700 plastic-free products and di...[Read More]

Local People Know Best

Members of a fishing village in Pagudpud, Philippines untangle and prepare their fishing nets for late evening fishing off shore to catch small tuna. May 2015 (Photo by Wayne S. Grazio) Creative Commons license via Flickr. By Sunny Lewis NEW YORK, New York, October 24, 2017 (  News) – Standard ways of measuring community well-being and sustainability used by global organizations may b...[Read More]

Climate Action Summit Yields Trillions in Funding -Maximpact Blog

Sebastián Piñera Echeñique (left), President of the Republic of Chile; Iván Duque Márquez (center), President of the Republic of Colombia; and Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republic of France, pose for a photo at the Alliance for Rainforests event held in conjunction with the Climate Action Summit. September 23, 2019 New York, New York (Photo by Rick Bajornas / United Nations) Posted for media...[Read More]

Sunny Abu Dhabi Signs Multiple Clean Energy Deals

Indonesia is working with Masdar and other partners to transition from fossil fuels such as coal and oil to solar energy, an abundant but underutilized resource in the region. 2022 (Photo courtesy Masdar) Posted for media use By Sunny Lewis for Maximpact Sustainability News – Clean Energy ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, January 26, 2022 ( News) – Clean energy projects are springing u...[Read More]

BioNurse: Generating Spaces for Life

Yareta plants live in the high altitude of the Andes Mountains. Some are estimated at 3,000 years old. (Photo by Pedro Szekely) Creative Commons license via Flickr. by Sunny Lewis MISSOULA, Montana, December 1, 2016 ( News) – A team from the Ceres Regional Center for Fruit and Vegetable Innovation in Chile has won the first-ever $100,000 Ray C. Anderson Foundation “Ray of Hope” Prize ...[Read More]

President Biden Welcomes Refugees, Reversing Trump Policy

By Sunny Lewis for Maximpact Then Vice President Joe Biden, right, talks to South Korean and Japanese leadership alongside Antony Blinken, left, then Deputy Secretary of State. The two men have been working together on U.S. foreign policy for 20 years. Honolulu, Hawaii, July 14, 2016 (Photo by Staff Sgt. Christopher Hubenthal courtesy U.S. Air Force) Public domain WASHINGTON, DC, February 7, 2021 ...[Read More]

Europe Finds Funds for Rewilding

At the signing ceremony in Brussels, from left: Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Frans Schepers, Managing Director of Rewilding Europe, Christopher Knowles, European Investment Bank, Head of Climate Finance and Jyrki Katainen, European Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness. April 11, 2017 (Photo courtesy Euro...[Read More]

MINT Condition: Impact Investing Leads the Pack in the New Emerging Economies

By Marta Maretich BRIC, CIVETS, MIST: The world of finance loves a catchy acronym almost as much as it loves a new set of emerging economies, ripe for investment. Recently the talk has been all about MINT, a grouping of Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey, economies touted as the new powerhouses of the global marketplace. According to Jim O’Neill, the man who identified the successful BRIC group...[Read More]

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