
How Capacity Building Training Increases The Effectiveness And Sustainability Of NGOs

The advantages of capacity building training run far deeper than you might initially think. Instigating both general and targeted training can change the whole feel of an organization to those working or volunteering for it. It shows a commitment on the NGO’s part not just to the mission at hand, but to the individuals on the front line. This willingness to offer more to your personnel makes the w...[Read More]

Turning CO2 Into an Asset

By Sunny Lewis STOCKHOLM, Sweden, August 11, 2016 ( News) – As the climate heats up, scientists and engineers are finding new ways to lessen the impact of fossil fuel combustion on the climate – both by sequestering the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted and also by producing electricity with this most prevalent greenhouse gas. The most familiar carbon capture and storage technologies enabl...[Read More]

Lively Carbon Markets Promise Cooler Earth

One of the largest coal-fired power plants in Europe is owned by Uniper SE in the Scholven district of the city of Gelsenkirchen, Germany. (Photo by Guy Gorek) Creative Commons license via Flickr By Sunny Lewis BERLIN, Germany, March 1, 2018 ( News) – Carbon emissions trading is gaining popularity in established markets and also in emerging economies; in fact trading now covers 15 per...[Read More]

The True Cost of Tourism

Visitors to The Netherlands explore Amsterdam by bicycle, April 7, 2017 (Photo by Huub Zeeman) Creative Commons license via Flickr By Sunny Lewis SYDNEY, Australia, July 3, 2018 ( News) – The carbon footprint of tourism is about four times larger than previously thought, finds a world-first study. This year the world’s tourism footprint has been quantified across the entire supply cha...[Read More]

Impact Investing 2.0 and the Rise of Multilingual Leadership Teams: An Interview with Jed Emerson

The funds that have performed most effectively are those that have teams and individuals who can really play across perspectives and silos rather than coming in as representatives of a particular, individual perspective or silo. Maximpact: Can you say more about how it works? Who is on the multilingual management dream team? Jed Emerson: We speak of it as themes rather than directives in the repor...[Read More]

New Bioglass Can Re-Grow, Replace Cartilage

Professor Julian Jones, one of the developers of the bio-glass, in his lab at the Department of Materials at Imperial College London (Photo courtesy Imperial College London) By Sunny Lewis LONDON, UK, May 17, 2016 ( News) – Scientists have developed a new material that can mimic cartilage and potentially encourage it to re-grow. Cartilage is the flexible connective tissue found in joi...[Read More]

Biotech Explosion Could ‘Overwhelm’ Regulators

Caption: BioSteel™ Goats have been genetically modified to produce the protein from Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Nephila clavipes) silk in their milk. This means that the gene that codes for protein that spiders use for their silk was transferred through laboratory techniques into the goats’ genome, creating a transgenic organism. (Photo by Center for Post-Natural History) By Sunny Lewis WASHINGTON, ...[Read More]

Sustainable Luxury Heroines

Guest contribution by Milena Cvijanovich Women are undoubtedly the leaders of the fabulously successful new Sustainable Luxury business model. They show us through their amazing results how cool, glamorous, sophisticated AND essentially powerful Luxury can be when it has the mission to respect our planet and life of its inhabitants. High-profile individuals such as Livia Firth with her Green Carpe...[Read More]

Mayday: All Hands on Deck for Oceans

Common dolphins off the coast of Monterey Bay, California, Feb. 17, 2013 (Photo by John Kay) Creative commons license via Flickr. By Sunny Lewis NEW YORK, New York, June 6, 2017 ( News) – “We are here on behalf of humanity to restore sustainability, balance and respect to our relationship with our primal mother, the source of life, the ocean,” President of the UN General Assembly Pete...[Read More]

Master grant proposal writing: Sign up for online training

For many organisations and non-profits, the ability to write grant proposals is fundamental to success. Acquiring grants gives organisations the financial means to pursue projects and stay afloat, and therefore the ability to write a grant is a critical business requirement. Research has shown that nearly $77 billion in corporate and foundational grants are awarded every year in the United States....[Read More]

Fortune 500 Firms Embrace Clean Energy

With over 500 dual-axis, pedestal mounted tracker assemblies, each producing 60 kW, the Alamosa Solar Generating Project is the largest high-concentrating solar photovoltaic power generation system in the world, 2014, Alamosa, Colorado (Photo by Dennis Schroeder / NREL) Public domain By Sunny Lewis WASHINGTON, DC, May 2, 2017 ( News) – A growing number of Fortune 500 companies are tak...[Read More]

Plant-centric Menus Offer Human & Planetary Health

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, March 17, 2021 ( News) – Designing and introducing children to sustainable school lunches that are climate friendly, nutritious, affordable and culturally appropriate – lunches they enjoy – does that sound impossible? Researchers at Stockholm-based Karolinska Institutet have done it. Their study shows a new lunch menu resulted in a 40 percent reduction in climate im...[Read More]

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