
Solid waste management is more critical than ever. Here’s why.

Worldwide, the problem of solid waste is escalating at an exponential rate. Rapid urban population growth combined with changes in consumption means that as a species, we’re beginning to drown in the waste we’re creating. Waste management – once only a concern in developing countries – is now a pressing global issue. According to, the world’s cities generated 2.01 billion tons of sol...[Read More]

Green Economies Arising Across Europe

By Sunny Lewis HELSINKI, Finland, February 4, 2016 ( News) – A broad political will and the involvement of many different economic and social actors are essential for successful transition to a green economy, conclude researchers from five institutes of the Partnership for European Environmental Research (PEER). For their newly published report, “Implementing the Green Economy in a Eu...[Read More]

Egypt Funded for Africa's Largest Solar Array

Solar panels at the 3rd project in Aswan province under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s Egypt Renewable Energy Framework (Photo courtesy EBRD) Posted for media use By Sunny Lewis LONDON, UK, November 9, 2017 ( News) – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the International Solar Alliance (ISA) have agreed that they will strengthen their...[Read More]

Record Year Ahead for Consumer Tech Industry

At CES 2017, people crowd the LG OLED TV display with its curved screen, voted Best of CES 2017. Revolutionary self-lighting pixels, each controlled to achieve perfect black and infinite contrast, support an expanded color palette virtually identical to today’s digital cinemas, Las Vegas, Nevada, January 6, 2017 (Photo by LG) Creative Commons license via Flickr. By Sunny Lewis LAS VEGAS, Nevada, J...[Read More]

TPP Unites Old Enemies, Makes New Ones

Maori (Indigenous New Zealander’s) demonstrate against the Trans-Pacific Partnership in Auckland, February 4, 2016 By Sunny Lewis AUCKLAND, New Zealand, February 9, 2016 ( News) – “We expect this historic agreement to promote economic growth, support higher-paying jobs; enhance innovation, productivity and competitiveness; raise living standards; reduce poverty in our countries; and t...[Read More]

Zika Virus 'Spreading Explosively' Across the Americas

Microcephaly is a birth defect where a baby’s head is smaller than expected when compared to babies of the same sex and age. Babies with microcephaly often have smaller brains that might not have developed properly. (Drawings courtesy Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Public domain. By Sunny Lewis GENEVA, Switzerland, February 2, 2016 ( News) – The head of the World Health O...[Read More]

Europe Relegates Single-Use Plastics to History

This sea turtle doesn’t know that plastic bags could choke it to death. (Photo by Troy Mayne) Posted for media use. By Sunny Lewis BRUSSELS, Belgium, December 20, 2018 ( News) – Targeting the 10 plastic products most often found littering European beaches as well as abandoned fishing gear, the European Parliament and Council have reached a provisional political agreement with the Comm...[Read More]

Online training: the powerful and cost-effective way to upskill your organisation

Today, innovation happens fast, which means that learning has to happen even faster. Online training offers one of the fastest, most affordable and most effective ways to upskill a workforce – which is why more and more organisations are turning to e-learning for results. For organisations to thrive, there needs to be continual growth. The skills, knowledge and tools required to perform require ne...[Read More]

How to Hire the Right Expert

The changing global economy has meant the way in which business is conducted must change also. Businesses are relying more on light company structures; opting to work with more freelance experts and small to medium sized consulting firms to get the job done. Outsourcing is a light weight and more flexible alternative that enables companies to operate more efficiently, as they are no longer weighed...[Read More]

Circular Cars of the Future: 100% Recyclable

The power and automation technology group ABB, provided the robots for Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd.’s production facility in Harbin, China. ABB’s industrial robot technologies cover the entire automobile production process, including stamping, painting, and powertrains. Customers include international automakers such as BMW, Honda, Volvo and Great Wall Automobile. 2015 (Photo courtesy ABB) Po...[Read More]

Why We Need Expert Consultants

Seeking expert advice brings benefits of learning valuable insights from someone who knows exactly what you need to know but you get answers that are objective, precise and valuable. Experts qualified to offer advice in finance, marketing, green technology, non-profit and many other industries relevant in circular, impact and sustainability sectors will also help you avoid making mistakes that cou...[Read More]

Maximpact Guest Contributors

Maximpact Blog was created to highlight and discuss the various sector of focus areas covered within Maximpact Ecosystem. Maximpact Ecosystem was designed as platform to bring together Social Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs, Non Profits, Intermediaries, Funders, Government bodies and Multilateral Institutions within impact and sustainability. The Maximpact Blog is an integral part of this community, ...[Read More]

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