
Helping Syrian refugees build new lives in the UK

Case Study Language learning makes a difference. Language learning breaks down barriers, builds communities and offers opportunity to people around the world. We see this in much of the training we do with healthcare professionals around the world, enabling doctors and nurses to acquire the professional English they need to work in other countries and support healthcare systems and patients coping...[Read More]

19 Ways to Find Funding for Impact!

By Ana LaRue Across the globe, the spectrum of innovative financing solutions for social impact is broadening. It is becoming clear that the sector is no longer just for funders and companies as new investing possibilities have evolved rapidly over the last five years. A central feature of Maximpact’s platform is the ability to list impact deals and seek collaborative opportunities with others. Wh...[Read More]

Israel, Jordan, Palestine Unite for Jordan River

By Sunny Lewis TEL-AVIV, Israel, October 23, 2015 (Maximpact News) – The Jordan River, famous in story and song, unique in its natural wealth, is now threatened by excessive water diversion and contamination. In this arid region torn by many differences and struggles, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from Israel, Jordan and Palestine are working together to restore the Jordan River – unity fo...[Read More]

Impact Investing in the Justice Entrepreneurs

By Marta Maretich @maximpactdotcom Agriculture, healthcare, cleantech and financial services are all now recognized sectors of impact investing with growing track records of success. Businesses from these sectors are frequently the choice of impact investors who want to put their money into related areas of social and environmental benefit such as poverty alleviation or natural resource protection...[Read More]

An Atlas of Sci-Art Water Diplomacy

Fountain of the Naiads at Piazza della Repubblica, Rome, Italy. This was originally the fountain of the Acqua Pia, connected to the aqua Marcia aqueduct, commissioned at this site by Pope Pius IX in 1870. (Photo by David McKelvey) Creative Commons license via Flickr By Sunny Lewis BRUSSELS, Belgium, May 9, 2017 ( News) – No longer is it true that water is a free and infinite resource ...[Read More]

State-of-the-Art Social Investing: Bringing the Homeless Home to a Green Community

The piecemeal approach to ending homelessness using temporary housing and shelters has long proven inadequate in the face of America’s formidable battle against this social issue, especially for American veterans. Nonprofit American Family Housing (AFH) has launched a new project that will provide permanent support — a powerful solution to help break the cycle of chronic homelessness. Potter’s Lan...[Read More]

Maximpact's Tips for a Sustainable Holiday Season

By Sarah-Jane George With the Winter Holidays close at hand, thoughts of gift buying are at the forefront of most people’s minds. This month instead of focusing on the financial side of making an impact, we decided to look at how sustainability can be incorporated into your giving. Here is our list of gifting ideas and green tips on how to make your holiday shopping experience a more sustainable o...[Read More]

Millions of Refugees at Risk as Virus Spreads

This Syrian refugee girl lives in one of 5,000 tents among 31,500 refugees at Arsal on the Lebanese-Syrian border. March 25, 2019 (Photo by Fundacja PCPM) Creative Commons license via Flickr By Sunny Lewis for Maximpact GENEVA, Switzerland, March 24, 2020 ( News) – The UN Refugee Agency has airlifted 4.4 tonnes of urgently-needed medical supplies to Tehran to support the COVID-19 resp...[Read More]

COP21: One Day to Deadline, All Eyes on the Bottom Line

PARIS, France, December 10, 2015 (ENS) – Finance remains the most contentious issue as climate negotiators from around the world approach agreement on an historic pact to control climate change that will apply to all nations. Underlying the tension is “differentiation” between developed and developing countries. Who will be responsible for paying? Will the pool of contributors expand? Who will be ...[Read More]

Global Climate Action Summit Strives to Stoke Ambition

By Sunny Lewis SAN FRANCISCO, California, September 13, 2018 ( News) – Global leaders from across the private sector, local government and civil society are in San Francisco this week to showcase progress, unveil new climate commitments and to launch new platforms to work in partnership across sectors to accelerate implementation of the Paris Climate Accord. California Governor Jerry ...[Read More]

In Search of a Water-Wise World

The drought in Somalia has lasted for years. This image of two men carrying a water can on a dusty road was shot on December 14, 2013. (Photo by the African Union Mission in Somalia, AMISOM) Creative Commons license via Flickr By Sunny Lewis ENSCHEDE, Netherlands, July 4, 2016 ( News) – Rukiyo Ahmed, 26, discovered she was pregnant just as drought began to parch her village in the Eas...[Read More]

Week for a Water Wise World

Argentina’s President Mauricio Macri has developed the country’s first National Water Plan to protect Argentine clean water sources like this stream in Mendoza Province in the western central part of the country. (Photo courtesy Mendoza Government Press) By Sunny Lewis STOCKHOLM, Sweden, August 29, 2017 ( News) – Cool, clear, delicious water – there’s no substitute for the one substan...[Read More]

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